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Animated Png Apng

Animated PNG (APNG)

Like animated GIFs, but allowing 24-bit colors and alpha transparency

Animated PNG (APNG) is a file format that extends the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification to permit animated images that work similarly to animated GIFs. Unlike GIFs, which are limited to 8-bit colors, APNGs support 24-bit colors and alpha transparency, resulting in higher-quality animations with smoother gradients and more vibrant colors.

Limited Support for APNG

Despite its advantages over GIFs, APNGs are still rarely used due to the patchy support provided by application programs. While some browsers, such as Firefox and Chrome, support APNGs, others, such as Internet Explorer and Safari, do not. Additionally, many image editing programs do not yet support APNGs, making it difficult to create and edit animated PNGs.
